French-Swiss private school in Lausanne

Inter-age meetings at EMS Mieillerie (Fondation La Rozavère)When our pupils visit their elders

It's a chance to talk, play and share fraternal moments, where the enthusiasm of the young meets the wisdom of the old. 

A learning experience for all !

"In a world marked by the difficulty of intergenerational relations, Don Bosco advocates a pedagogy of covenant. It's not a question of doing things 'for' but 'with' the young person, who is seen not just as a recipient but as a partner in the educational action. (Xavier Thévenot, Une Pensée pour des temps nouveaux, 2005)

Inter-age meetings at EMS Mieillerie (Fondation La Rozavère)
Inter-age meetings at EMS Mieillerie (Fondation La Rozavère)
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