Our teaching sections

From the age of 18 months, the nursery prepares pupils for a French education, with 30% taught in English in kindergarten and first grade.

French-Swiss private school in Lausanne
French-Swiss private school in Lausanne
Day nursery Private school and nurserie in Lausanne

Day nursery(from 18 to 30 month)

"Les Petits Savio" consists of a day nursery for children over 18 months open all day from 7.30am to 6.30pm
1st Elementary (3P) Private school and nurserie in Lausanne

1st Elementary (3P)from 6 to 7 years old

CP is a pivotal year during which pupils build on the foundations acquired in Grande Section (2P). They take their first steps towards the conceptualisation that leads to reflection and critical thinking.
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element graphique