Pedagogical project

The School occupies a fundamental place in establishing the educational and pedagogical foundations on which the learning of individuals is based and developed throughout their lives. Its mission is to make children want to go to school to learn, to affirm and develop their personality, to exercise their curiosity about the world around them, while respecting the pace of development and personality of each individual.

French-Swiss private school in Lausanne
French-Swiss private school in Lausanne

An integral education project

The art of learning, a taste for freedom

Acquiring fundamental knowledge

Acquiring fundamental knowledge

  • The fundamental knowledge necessary for the intellectual development of the child is gathered in the triptych: reading, writing and counting in French.
    • Reading and writing: in kindergarten, the stimulation of language, its intensity and quality are essential to its appropriation by pupils. The acquisition of the French language is essential. It is encouraged by the style and richness of the language spoken by the teachers, but also by the gradual familiarisation with the written language. Thus, we attach importance to the fact that each pupil is addressed as "vous", which naturally leads to a sustained oral language. Similarly, the literature presented to the children is rich and varied from an early age. It also helps to improve knowledge and illustration of the values of the school.

Training plurilingual pupils

Training plurilingual pupils

  • Awakening to linguistic diversity forms the basis of the pupil's journey in this area. It is the very first contact with the plurality of languages in the school environment. It is important to value the mother tongue of multilingual children. Their presence in the classroom enables the teacher to awaken all pupils to linguistic diversity and to help them discover at an early stage that multilingualism is a richness.
  • Thus, in a progressive manner, we aim to offer 30% of learning in English via early learning classes.
  • In order to encourage this multilingual learning without hindering the acquisition of fundamental knowledge in French, English is taught through experimentation in the sciences, geography and the arts. 
  • Weekly Mandarin classes are offered to all pupils from nursery level upwards.
Becoming knowledgeable inquirers

Becoming knowledgeable inquirers

  • Through the playful and reflective activities that it mobilises, awakening to linguistic diversity contributes to the development of phonological awareness and oral language, to the consolidation of the mastery of French and to all of the school's objectives, by making room for the sensitivity, sensoriality, motor, relational and cognitive skills of the pupils.
  • Children's need for movement and encouragement is real. In an increasingly sedentary society, where screens replace relationships, many children do not learn to read and write properly and encounter difficulties at school. We consider it fundamental to work on the postural and motor patterns that underlie reading, writing and speaking. Movement enables neuronal connections and it is in this sense that we give it an essential place.


  • In accordance with its Christian educational project, the school of St. Dominic Savio aims to realise the Salesian ideal contained in the words of Don Bosco: "No trust without affection, without trust no education".
  • For this reason, it is fundamental that the teacher ensures every day, in the trust established with his students, that all the actions he carries out for them are understood and serve to raise them.
  • In this way, the child grows in love with beauty and goodness.
  • De cette manière, l’enfant s’évase et grandit dans l’amour du beau et du bien.
  • He is thus able to freely commit himself to the path that will make him happy.
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The educational team organises school life in such a way as to offer children a world that stimulates their curiosity, responds to their needs for play, movement, rest and discovery, and delivers the opportunities for sensory, motor, relational and cognitive experiences in safety.

Reception, recess, rest, nap time and hygiene are all part of education and are organised in such a way as to provide young children with secure reference points.